Can Dogs Eat Fish? Types Of Fish That Dog Can Eat

Fish is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. It’s filled with essential nutrients, like omega-3 fatty acids, and is a great protein source to keep our body lean and our muscles strong. Not only is fish good for human health, but it is also beneficial for our canines.

Can dogs eat fish? Yes, but not every type of fish. Well-prepared fish can add numerous health benefits to your dog’s diet, but things can easily go wrong if everything isn’t performed right.

Can Dogs Eat Fish?

In general, a dog can consume fish daily, as most humans do. But beware, some specific types of fish can be dangerous for your puppy. Raw or undercooked fish is not recommended in dogs’ diets, especially for pregnant females and puppies. 

Then what types of fish can you feed your dogs? Scroll down below to see what kinds of fish and how much they can consume.

Can Dogs Eat Canned Fish?

Canned fish such as tuna or mackerel can be your dog’s quick and healthy meal. However, remember to choose canned fish packed with water, not oil or salt, to avoid unhealthy fats and sodium consumption. 

You can choose tuna, mackerel, or even sardines for canned fish. These types of fish are an excellent source of beneficial and essential nutrients.

Can Dogs Eat Fish Heads?

Fish heads are excellent to feed your dog as long as they’re adequately prepared. You can buy salmon fish heads and grill them in your oven before giving them to your pup. Your dog can avoid organism infections and bacteria such as salmonella or listeria.

Can Dogs Eat Fish Skin?

Yes, well-cooked fish skin is fine for dogs. Fully packed with healthy fat – omega 3- fish skin promotes shiny and healthy hair and provides numerous health benefits for your dog. 

Fish skin is an excellent protein and fatty acid source, one of the essential nutrients for your dog’s diet. To boost their immune system, you can buy fish skin chews and give them to your dog daily.

Can Dogs Eat Fish Bones?

Never feed a dogfish bones. Fishbones are tiny and crisp and can easily damage your dog’s mouth, throat, stomach, and guts. If you believe your dog has eaten a fishbone, take them to a vet as soon as possible to avoid any serious injury.

Can Dogs Eat Fried Fish?

Try your best to avoid fried fish in your diet. Unlike healthy fatty acids from fish skin, fried fish contain unnecessary fat with no additional value to your dog’s health. So it’s best not to feed them this unhealthy part.

Then What Fish Can I Feed My Dog?


Tuna – is one of the most nutritious and high-protein foods you can easily buy and add to your dog’s meal. When you feed tuna, your dogs consume plenty of essential nutrients such as B3, B6, or B12. Not only enriched with vitamin family, but tuna also contains many minerals such as potassium and magnesium.

Related: Can Dogs Eat Tuna?- Basic Information For Pet Owners


Dogs can consume well-cooked catfish. You might not know that catfish are primarily used in commercial dog foods. However, if you’re cooking catfish at home, feed boneless fillets to your canine.


Indeed, dogs can consume well-prepared cod. Lean fish, like cod, is an excellent source of minerals and digestible protein. You can buy and cook it without adding any salt, fat, or sauces, then add it to your furry friend’s daily meal.


Salmon is an excellent protein and fatty acid source for your canine. This delicious food supports the dog’s immune system and keeps his hair healthy and shiny. If you can’t buy a fresh one, you can purchase dry food instead.

But beware not to feed your dog any piece of raw salmon! Undercooked salmon could kill your puppy. We all know raw salmon usually contains a parasite called Nanophyetus salmincola, which can cause salmon poisoning in dogs.

Signs of salmon poisoning are:

  • Vomiting
  • Weight loss
  • Fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Feebleness
  • Anorexia
  • Dehydration

If you begin noticing any or all of these signs in your dog, it’s best to take him/her to the nearest vet as soon as possible.


Mackerel is packed with many healthy fatty acids like Omega 3. It has high levels of essential fatty acids, improves the dog’s skin condition, and even decreases molting.

What Are The Benefits Of Feeding Fish To Dogs?

  • Improve their skin condition
  • Boost their immune system
  • Provide more protein to their meal
  • A good source of protein
  • Weight control
  • Inexpensive and healthy

What Are The Risks Of Feeding Fish To Dogs?

  • Dogs may consume bacteria such as salmonella or listeria (if consumed raw or not cooked properly)
  • Toxic preservatives in commercial dog food. 

Final Thoughts 

So the answer to the question, “Can a dog eat fish” is a big Yes! Fish is extremely healthy and nutritious for your dog’s diet. It’s best to feed your beloved pets fish daily, along with lean meat such as steak or chicken.

A dog can eat fish weekly, especially fatty fish such as salmon or sardines. If you’re still concerned about feeding your pup a fish or noticing any ominous signs, try to contact your vet for more advice. That’s all for our today’s article! Our next sharings will focus on answering other popular questions that any dog owner may ask – Can dogs eat figs? Can dogs eat tomatoes? Can dogs eat lemons? or Can dogs eat pineapple? Stay tuned!

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