Can Dogs Eat Kiwi? – All Dog Lovers Need To Know About

If you are raising a dog, have you ever asked yourself this question: “can dogs eat kiwi?” We bet that you have done this at least one time. Don’t worry too much about that! This question will be solved in today’s article. So, let’s scroll down to discover more about this topic!

Can Dogs Eat Kiwi? 

Here is the secret! In reality, your dog can taste this fruit. Nevertheless, it would be best if you only fed your dogs a small portion of kiwi because a whole kiwi is not suitable for their health, especially white German Shepherd puppies.

Besides, please remember that dogs’ daily nutrition should consist of just about 10%  vegetables and fresh fruits. Moreover, giving your dog the kiwi’s flesh would be best. Although the dogs may eat the skin of the kiwi, you had better consult your vet to see whether your canine can eat it. Overall, you should avoid feeding your dog with the outer layer, seeds, and even a whole kiwi.

What Benefits Does Kiwi Bring For Dogs? 

In general, when dogs have kiwi in their diets, they can absorb a certain number of valuable nutrients from this fresh fruit. 

Vitamin C

You may not know that the vitamin C in kiwi is more significant than in orange. By nature, canines can generate vitamin C alone and do not need to intake too much of this nutrient. But giving your dog a little kiwi containing lots of vitamin C won’t harm him.

Moreover, an additional amount of this vitamin could support the development of your dog’s teeth and gums. That’s the first benefit you should consider!

Vitamin K

Secondly, kiwi is an excellent source of vitamin K, which helps prevent your dog from blood coagulation. On average, 100g of kiwi has about 50% vitamin K; therefore, it could strengthen your dog’s skeletal system.


Kiwi is rich in potassium, as well. As far as we are concerned, a dog’s diet should contain 0.6% potassium at the very least because potassium is essential for good body functioning in active animals like dogs. 

To ensure your dog’s health, the amount of potassium in his body should be well-balanced. To get this balance, you must feed your dog vegetables, fruits, or food with high potassium, like oranges, kiwis, bananas, broccoli, coconut, or tuna.


Fiber, a necessary nutrient for dogs, can be found in a kiwi. We advise you to supply your pet with the right proportion of fiber and other vital nutrients so that they can be pink. In case your canine is suffering from obesity, we suggest a high-fiber diet for him. Specifically, serve kiwi to your pet more often if he undergoes constipation or diarrhea.


Kiwi brings a significant quantity of antioxidants to canines. This nutrient facilitates the power of the dog’s immunity system. You must already know when your puppy’s immune system becomes weaker; he could be more vulnerable to diseases than ever. Hence, enhancing your dog’s immunity is crucial.


Like humans, dogs can suffer from cancer due to their genes or environmental factors. Though adult dogs are more affected by cancer, this dangerous disease is still popular in canines. Nonetheless, you can avoid this risk by serving nutritious diets to your pups, and kiwi is an excellent anti-cancer fruit to fight this disease.

How Do You Know If Kiwi Is Good For Your Dogs?

When serving new food to your dog, a gastrointestinal disorder may occur. Thus, it would help if you always fed him with a little of everything for the first time to test his reactions. If no problems occur, you can gradually increase the quantity over time.  

Many dogs have encountered diarrhea or vomiting after trying new diets or food. A mild diet supplementing more water will be a helpful treatment to minimize the risk. Although this method applies to most dogs, you must consult your vet first to ensure your four-legged friends encounter no food allergies.

Finally, dogs may be allergic to some specific foods. It means serving too many new foods at once could harm their health. Therefore, if your dog can’t stand the food after one or two testing times, remember not to feed him the food again!


At last, the question: “Can dogs eat kiwi?” has been answered. In short, dogs can have kiwi in their meal, but it should not be too much since excessive kiwi can harm their health. If your dog has some problems with eating and diet, take him to visit the vet as soon as possible. For more information about the dog’s diet, let’s read our next posts about other problems like: Can dogs eat lemon? Can dogs eat Nectarines? or Can dogs eat Pears? 

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