Interesting Information and Caring Tips for Siberian Husky Puppies and Adults

Siberian Husky puppies are famous worldwide because of their majestic look, funny personality, and loyalty they have for their human parents. Husky is definitely one of the best choices for those who want to have a medium or big dog that can explore many adventures with them.

If you have wondered where they come from and caring tips for siberian husky puppies to maximize their lifespan, keep on reading because we are about to provide you interesting information and caring tips for them!

History Of Siberian Husky Puppies

Siberian Husky’s ancestors were bred by Chukchi people in Northeastern Asia. The people kept them as companions of their families or sled dogs.

In the early 1990s, Siberian Husky won sled races, and they caught the attention of the people of that age. 

Later on, Siberian Huskies became famous after Leonhard Seppala – a legendary musher – led them around 658 miles in five days and a half to provide serum to save people in Nome, Alaska, when the diphtheria epidemic affected them. Until today, Huskies are still seen as one of the best heroes in canine history because of the devotion to humans. 

Husky Appearance


The Husky stands out from the crowd as a medium-sized dog with its athletic look. Female Siberians can weigh around 35 to 50 pounds when they are mature, and males can reach from 44 up to 65 pounds. Like most other dog breeds, males tend to be bigger than females. 

Despite this medium size, Huskies might not be suitable for those who live in a small apartment, as this dog breed needs a lot of space, exercise, and howling (we will mention it later on). 

If you want smaller dogs for your small or medium space, you can consider Black Pug, Blue French Bulldog, and Miniature Dachshund. These dogs do not need much space and can still be great companions. 

Huskies are listed as medium dogs.
Huskies are listed as medium dogs.

Coat and Color

Huskies have straight and thick hair with medium length. For this reason, they feel much better when living in cool and cold weather than in hot weather. 

Siberian Huskies can come in many colors, but black and white are among the most common. Bulldog breeders and dog breeders also say that you can find many other colors in Huskies, like agouti and white, black and brown and white, black tan and white, gray and white, sable and white, red and white, and pure white. 

You can find Siberian Huskies in many colors.
You can find Siberian Huskies in many colors.

Personality and Training


Siberian Huskies today still carry the genes of pack dogs from their ancestors, whether they were growing with their pack or only with humans. For this reason, you will need to play the role of the leader of the pack to gain respect and trust from them. 

Unlike toy dogs, Huskies can try to challenge you and test your limit to determine if you are really a good leader. So, you need to pay attention to their behavior and train them properly, not by hitting or punishing them, but with proper training methods, rules, and consistency. 

Barking and Howling

Unlike Havanese puppies and old English bulldogs, barking is not a favorite activity of Huskies, but unfortunately, they howl a lot. This instinct is still theirs because they are pack dogs, and howling is how they communicate with their pack. 

So if you live in apartments, keeping them might cause you a lot of trouble because they will howl so regularly. Both you and them will be better off living in a house, ideally with a garden for them to do their canine things. 

Keeping Siberian Husky as a Watchdog, Yes or No?

As Siberian Huskies have a good size for being a watchdog, you might trust them as a house watcher and keeper. Unfortunately, they are too nice and friendly to do this job. Imagine a burglar breaking into your house, and your Husky comes up to them and has a wagging tail. It doesn’t sound so good.


Huskies will grow up to become well-behaved dogs if you let them socialize early on. Moreover, they are also smart, like Chocolate Lab puppies and Yellow Lab, making them easy to train. 

Suppose you also keep other pets like dogs and cats; letting them greet and play with each other will make all the pets get along well and build stronger bonds. When all your pets can live in harmony, you will not have to worry about them hurting each other when you are not home. 

When it comes to interactions with humans, you should teach them basic obedience training and make them see you as the clear leader. Again, we never recommend using violence over your dogs because punishing or hitting them will make them scared of you or become stressful more than growing to be a good dog. 

One of the first things you can teach them as early as possible is only to eat when allowed. Besides home training, you should also let them meet your neighbors and friends so they can have better manners toward humans. 

You should train Huskies when they are still puppies.
You should train Huskies when they are still puppies.

Caring Tips for Siberian Husky Puppies and Adults


Siberian Huskies need high-quality food to maintain their health, skin, and coat. The protein consumed should also be suitable for them depending on how much activity they do and how much they weigh. 

On summer days, you can feed them a low-protein diet – around 20%. However, in the winter of cold countries, they can need so much more protein, around 32%. 

If you give them treats, counting calories is also necessary because overfeeding might lead to obesity, which is not good for them. 

Exercise Requirements

The ancestors of Siberian Huskies did several activities in their daily life to find food and help humans. Until today, their offspring – the Huskies, still need a lot of activities to stay healthy and in shape. 

They are not couch potatoes at all, and exercising is needed to maintain their physical and mental health. 

Unlike fragile and small dogs, Siberian Huskies are stronger and do not get injured by being active or just jumping up and down your couch or bed. They might need more than just a simple walk in 15 minutes, so if you have a garden or somewhere for them to do canine things play with them, and you and he will be healthier together. 

Siberian Husky puppies
Siberian Husky puppies


They are quite clean and do not need too much bathing. If they are not too dirty, then a few baths a year is enough for them. You can also brush their coat every few days or once a week to remove loose hair. Sometimes, please take a look at their nails and trim them when they are too long because long nails can hurt their paws. 

Huskies have two layers of coat: undercoat and guard coat, and their undercoat is shed two times each year. You should pay attention to them when their hair is shredded and take it out with a metal comb or a pin brush.

Health Check

Siberian Huskies are listed as a natural breed and do not have many health issues. You can take them to the vet for these two health checks:

  • Ophthalmologist Evaluation
  • Hip Evaluation


Siberian Husky puppies are extremely cute, and when they grow up, they still tend to be friendly dogs that can be unforgettable companions. However, checking if they are a good fit for you before bringing a Husky home is essential.

We have shared plenty of interesting facts about Huskies during this article, and we hope it can help you understand them more.

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