Do Goldendoodles Bark A Lot? – Detailed Information

For years, dogs have been regarded as human beings’ friends due to their intelligence and loyalty. Having a puppy to take care of when you live alone or even when you have a small family is fascinating. However, we are still worried that dogs’ barking can be annoying. This article will discuss an adorable dog breed that is popular among dog owners – Goldendoodle. Do Goldendoodles bark a lot? Fortunately, the answer is no. Let’s continue to take a closer look to see whether Goldendoodle is the best choice.

How Much Can You Know About Goldendoodles?

Goldendoodles are well-known for their attractive appearance and intelligence. Inheriting two outstanding genetic lines from the Poodle and the Golden Retriever, this hybrid dog is relatively quiet, just like their parents. Nevertheless, not all Goldendoodles are ideal indoor pets; the fact is that their vocal personality varies and depends on different elements, including interior and exterior ones.

When it is time to choose a dog to live with, perhaps appearance is the first priority. Goldendoodles attract dog lovers with silky and satisfying coats, divided into three types: straight, wavy, and curly. In general, most dog breeds are intelligent enough to communicate with their owners, and Goldendoodles are no exception. They are not only smart but also friendly and trainable, which accounts for their popularity worldwide.

Types Of Barking

To look into Goldendoodles’ barking, let’s get to know how many types of barking Goldendoodles can make first. There are two types of barking in total; they are simply good barking and bad barking. Dogs use barking as a natural behavior to express their feelings. Whether good or not, they bark to tell their owners something, but in most cases,  they bark when someone is at the door.

What can be regarded as good barking, and what can be regarded as bad barking? The question is quite tricky to answer because we cannot understand the difference in the rhythm of their barking. To some people, distinguishing the type of barking is not essential, but it is imperative because only when we have defined the trigger of their barking will we come up with suitable solutions.

Good Barking:

  • “There is someone at the door”: to inform you that someone is coming to the house.
  • “I need something”: when they feel like going out for a walk or just want to reach something out of reach, they bark to alert you to achieve what they are looking for.
  • “I am happy”: this can sometimes be understood that your dog loves you so much. For example, when you return from work, your Yorkies not only wavy their tails but also bark to express their love and joy.

Bad Barking:

  • “I am anxious”: Goldendoodles are so friendly that they need people by their side most of the time; otherwise, they will feel separated – which is usually known as suffering from separation anxiety.
  • “I need to have more exercise”: when you keep your Goldendoodle indoors for days, he may feel uncomfortable and bark to alert you about that problem.

The line between good and bad barking is invisible; moreover, it is not easy to define. Which is on the good barking list may not be really good, and which is on the bad barking list may not be really bad. Therefore, besides the tone and rhythm, you need to observe their facial and behavioral traits to have a deeper understanding of the problem.

Why Do Goldendoodles Bark?

When raising this question, I am sure most of us have an answer: because they are dogs. Barking is an instinctual action that is born along with most dog breeds, and it is understandable that Goldendoodles also have this vocal personality. However, Goldendoodles’ barkings go along with triggers. The information provided in the item “Types Of Barking” has already given you some triggers, but it is pretty general. The list below will provide some specific reasons why Goldendoodles bark.

  • Territorial Protection: 

Many dogs will bark and growl when they feel there is a danger posing a threat to their house. According to them, that danger can be brought about by anyone strange, such as a mail carrier, a delivery man, or even a passerby. Goldendoodles sometimes get more aggressive if there is an adverse reaction to their barking. Moreover, you should know whether your Goldendoodle is protective or not. 

  • Fear And Anxiety: 

There has been a popular misconception that dogs are so brave that nothing can scare them. But in fact, Goldendoodles do have negative responses to unfamiliar sounds and sights, for example, a clap of thunder or a ball rolling on the floor. In this case, they regard the ball as an alive creature, so they bark to defend themselves from being hurt or threatened. In addition, the sound from motor engines, fireworks, or anything having a loud noise can trigger their barking.

As mentioned above, Goldendoodles are very friendly and pleasant; they love to make friends or, more simply, have people around them as much as possible, especially their owners. According to some Goldendoodles’ owners, Goldendoodles tend to feel insecure when they are away from their owners for some days or weeks. This separation anxiety can also be accounted for by incidents in the past, which leave them with a long-lasting bad impression. 

Unlike territorial barking, Goldendoodles, when feeling anxious or afraid of something, will not be so aggressive but with ears and tails down instead. In addition, their barks are added by long warning and growling sounds. Therefore, their ears quickly get dirty, so you should know how to clean Goldendoodle ears.

  • Lack Of Being Noticed:

How do you understand this trigger of barking? Being noticed means they want you to pay attention to them because it has been a long time since you last spent time playing with or petting them. It is correct, but not just that. Attention not only includes the owners’ daily love and companion but their realization that their Goldendoodles are in pain also. In addition, Goldendoodles bark to inform you that they just want to go out to relax and make friends because they are an extremely friendly dog breed.

When you adopt a Goldendoodle, the dog becomes an indispensable soul of the whole family and always seeks attention from not only you but also other members, especially when your dog is still a puppy. Therefore, giving them a safe feeling in a family setting should be taken into consideration.

  • Isolation Or Separation Anxiety:

One common difficulty among Goldendoodles’ owners is that their dogs are prone to loneliness. If you have to travel for business and keep your Goldendoodle away from you, your pet will undoubtedly suffer from this problem, and therefore, they will bark a lot.

But do not get confused between isolation distress and separation anxiety. At first, you might think there are different names for the same problem, but no, they are two separate ones. What makes them different is their causes.

Separation anxiety happens when your Goldendoodle is separated from a particular person he is usually with. In terms of isolation distress, it is when your Goldendoodle is alone for a long time. There is no person as well as other dogs by their side, which leads to them feeling upset and barking more than usual.

  • Boredom:

Because of your work, you have to keep your Goldendoodle indoors for days, but you think it is not a serious matter because you still take care of and play with him when you come home from work. However, Goldendoodles, despite receiving attention and care every day, still feel bored if they cannot be exposed to light for several days.

There are some signals of boredom barking: your Goldendoodle will look at you, showing that they are yearning for a walk in the early morning, looking forward to running and doing exercises, and most simply, being free. Taking your dog to do exercises regularly outside can boost their health and energy; otherwise, they will be upset and cheerless.

Do Goldendoodles Bark A Lot?

After studying the basic information related to Goldendoodles’ barking, we come back to our main question: Do Goldendoodles bark a lot? As it has been briefly answered in the introduction, we can relieve our worry that having a Goldendoodle might bother our neighbors in the apartment. The fact is that Goldendoodles are relatively quiet, like their parents – Poodle and Golden Retriever, who are not likely to bark a lot. 

Nevertheless, their vocal personality depends on different breeds, but Goldendoodles generally don’t bark too much. Some may be keen on barking, but some are not. The barking can be long or short, high or low, or even a howl. Also, if they meet something strange such as a new cat at home, they will bark a lot. Hence, it would help if you considered this before purchasing a new pet.

Read more: Are Goldendoodles Good With Cats – Intimate Friends

How To Minimize My Dog’s Barking?

Thanks to their personality, Goldendoodles can be regarded as one of the best choices for those living in a flat or apartment. Even when owning a Goldendoodle, you don’t need to be anxious about their barking; it is also necessary to learn how to minimize your pet’s barking as much as possible.

First of all, we will get to know the need to minimize Goldendoodles’ bark. Why do you want your dog not to bark a lot? This question is not rocket science, and I think we all want this. Barking in countryside areas is not a problem, but it is a significant matter in crowded cities. Therefore, keep reading the tips below to solve this problem.

First and foremost, identifying the cause of that barking plays an important role. As mentioned above, Goldendoodles’ barkings derive from various reasons and what you need to do is find one among those. However, it is not easy for you to do that; I mean to identify the exact reason why your dog barks. Instead, guessing one typical is quite enough. Moreover, you should know more about them before adopting puppies at home.

Read more: What Should You Know Before Adopting Goldendoodle Puppies?

After managing to identify the trigger, what you need to do is to come up with suitable solutions. The list below will give you the top 3 popular ways to prevent excessive barking:

Giving Your Goldendoodles A Feeling Of Socialization: 

This can help your dog feel comfortable and free to express his feelings. Once they think they are loved and cared for by other people or dogs, their barking level will decrease. In addition, you should take your dog to see your friend or other people’s pets as soon as possible, especially when he is still young. Doing so can help him have more experience and become familiar with almost everything normal to you, for example, your relatives. Consequently, when your dog grows up, he will not bark excessively at strangers, but he will bark to show their love instead.

Exercise With Your Goldendoodle Every Day: 

Your Goldendoodle should take enough exercise and get enough light and atmosphere outdoors. Doing exercises with your dog is much more encouraged because it can make your Goldendoodle become more stimulated and energized. But here, an additional question is raised: “How much exercise should a Goldendoodle have?” Generally, five days a week is enough, but daily exercise is far better.


If the two methods above do not work (but it is rarely the case) or you want to decrease your dog’s barking more, we must resort to training. Not very difficult; whenever your dog is going to bark, say “quiet” and praise them after they stop barking. Repeat for times to get the best result. It would be best if you bought a harness for Goldendoodles to keep their safety and comfort.

However, I need to emphasize what you mustn’t do when trying to minimize your Goldendoodle’s barking:

  • Physical punishment
  • Yelling at your Goldendoodle


In conclusion, Goldendoodles are on the list of best indoor dogs thanks to their non-vocal personality. Do Goldendoodles Bark A Lot? Not all Goldendoodles are not keen on barking, and they only bark when they want to say something. It can be good or bad, but whatever it may be needs your attention and solutions to the problem that your dogs are facing. There are some ways to minimize their barking, but you need to consider them depending on specific conditions.