Did you know, Pugs are one of the oldest and most popular dog breeds, and their faces can be found on socks, phone covers, coffee mugs, etc.?
They can thrive with attention, which can be ideal for a family or someone who is always at home. They are also good with children, as they are rarely known to bite or nip. But rarely means they still bite? Why do Pugs bite, and how can we stop that?
Do pugs bite?
We must say that if it has a mouth, it will bite. It will bite to eat, and it will bite to defend itself. Your puppies explore the new world with their mouths, which is part of the experience. The breed is irrelevant.
But luckily, a Pug is far less disposed to do so than a Pit Bull or a European Doberman.
Why do pugs bite?
Bites and nipping are the nuts and bolts of growing up, so don’t worry if your Pugs bite so much. However, there are some cases when it exhibits immense behaviors when you immediately need help from experts. By the way, here are some of the most common causes of the bitings.
- They are afraid
If your pup is afraid or stressed out, it could defend itself by peeing or biting. Nipping is a normal reaction to anxiety. You could let them try new environments, such as pools, to help them swim and overcome their anxiety.
- They are exploring
Puppies use their mouths and noses to explore their new surroundings. Unlike humans, they can’t explore things with their hands. So, truthfulness is part and parcel of being a bug pup: chew everything in sight.
- They are teething
Last but not least, like human babies, baby bulldogs go through a teething stage. Likewise, your pup will want to chew on everything in sight.
They are trying to soothe the pain during the teething process, as their gums will be very sensitive.
Further readings:
- Black Pug – Why Some Pugs Are Black and How Rare They Are
- Things You Need To Consider Before Purchasing Doberman Puppies
How to stop a bug from biting?
- Squeal like a puppy bulldog
When puppies play together in their territory, they will make tiny squealing sounds when bitten by a relative. As a result, on hearing the squeal, the biting puppy will likely stop the bite. We can model this behavior as bulldog breeders!
This imitation aims to make the puppy think they hurt you by biting.
- Don’t smack a biting baby bulldog.
Dogs do not understand those kinds of brute punishment, which becomes counter-effective. The punishment will scare your dog and could lead to uncontrolled biting.
- Don’t play back to biting.
Don’t react to their nip and bite if you want to stop your Pug puppy from biting you.
Ignore the puppies, as your attention would encourage them to bite more. It’s partly because they take for granted that you are playing the fun back to them and seeming playful. Your baby bulldogs will want to play more and continue.
- Replace your hands with chew toys.
It can be fun to let your baby Bulldogs play with your hands, as their bite probably will not ache. But in the long run, that is a terrible habit, and they should be taught that fingers and hands are not to be bitten. Instead, use dog-chewing toys for these games.
- Teach your Pug to welcome your hands
You should sometimes check their health through their teeth and gums, but your Pug might bite your hands anytime you try it.
One of the best tips is to use a kinda trick or treat. Let your dogs see your fingers, and then pop the treat (whatever your Pugs like, snack, or food) into their mouth, out, and in again. Repeat the session long enough, so your puppies get accustomed to it.
Gradually, they should get comfortable putting fingers in their mouth without reacting.
Read more:
- Can Pugs Be Left Alone? How Long Should You Leave Them Alone?
- Can Pugs Eat Broccoli? Puzzle It Out With The Best Answer
- Train your Pug puppy eating manner
Place a plate in front of your Pug and quickly take it out. If your Pug does not react with a bite, praise them and award them a treat. If you get a growl and a bite, give them a firm “no” command and keep the bowl in your grip. Do not give them snacks or walk later to show them the difference.
Keep practicing until you get the desired response.
- Socialize your Pug puppy with other dogs
Puppies will learn from each other as well as from older dogs. That is why it is critical to socialize your Pug with other dogs early. It will assist them in learning what is and is not acceptable.
You can go for a walk with your dogs in nearby parks and dog parks or create pet parties with your friends.
Some may ask whether watching other dogs’ behaviors on the Internet is counted or not. There is no evidence yet, but just by watching without hands-on experience, we are afraid your dog can not learn much.
Whichever method you try to use, make sure that you are consistent when training. Make sure your friends and family use the same methods if they are in contact with the puppy.
Related post: Best Shampoo For Pugs – Top 10 Best Shampoo