Do Pugs Fart A Lot? – The Main Causes And Solutions

Are you wondering, do pugs fart a lot? Pugs don’t have intuitive intelligence. Pugs are such a charming breed of household dog that many dog owners adore. They are intelligent, even-tempered, friendly to humans, and adorable. Despite their appeal, pugs have some less-than-attractive traits that you might encounter, one of which is their flatulence. Sadly, to answer the question, they do fart a lot and more frequently than many other more giant dog breeds. Let’s dive deeper into this topic in the article! 

Do Pugs Fart A Lot?

Even though pugs have such an adorably little physique, the number of butt bouquets they let out into the air can be more constant than any bigger dog breed can manage. Pugs Fart More Than Many Bigger Dog Breeds.

Their constant farting issue is mainly due to their genetics. This breed is susceptible to many intestinal-related and digestive health problems. For that reason, consuming anything inappropriate can lead to extreme gas emanation. 

Also, as a Brachycephalic breed, they tend to be extremely gassy since they swallow in a lot of air, even when breathing normally.

Why Do Pugs Fart So Much? 

Unbalanced Diet 

  • High-Fat Product Consumption

What the dogs eat will contribute largely to their flatulence issues. High-fat products such as butter, grease from meat, and chocolate can be a great source of nutrition for you, but not your dogs. 

Fatty foods can cause inflammation in the pancreas and stomach area, resulting in gas overproduction and other severe health issues.

  • Excessive Intake Of Soybeans, Peas 

Even though you can feed your babies soybeans, peas, or anything of that sort, the amount should be limited. A dietary routine of high-protein foods and sodium, especially in canned beans, can make the pug farts more than usual.

Low-Quality Diet

  • Consumption Of Table Scraps

Human food contains many seasoning ingredients like salt, sugar, chilies, fatty dressing, etc. These spices can lead to severe digestive issues for your pup, including smelly gas production. 

Therefore, it would be best not to fall for it when your cute little pup is begging you for a piece of table food you are eating. Indulging the dog in the habit of eating table scraps is not the best way to show your affection.

  • Spoiled Food Intake 

Spoiled food is harmful to your pets just as much as it is to humans’ health. They are one of the leading enemies of the dog’s digestive system. 

Also, this breed is more vulnerable to food intolerance and allergies, so just a tiny amount of spoiled food can cause over-flatulence for your fluffy friends. 

Food Sensitivity 

  • Consuming Dairy Products

Since the digestive systems of pugs don’t break down lactose as efficiently as human beings, many of them are allergic to dairy. In other words, excessive consumption of milk, cheese, butter, and yogurt can make your puppy instantly sick.

For that reason, besides feeding them lactose food as little treats now and then, you should keep them far away from dairy products. 

  • Consumption Of Beef And Chicken Meat

Pugs easily target harmful bacteria, such as listeria or salmonella, that live inside raw beef, steak, or roasted chicken. They can upset the dogs’ digestive systems, causing too much farting and other stomach issues. 

Gobbling Issue 

If you pay closer attention, you might notice the distinct eating habit of this dog breed. The pugs tend to gobble as much food as possible into their mouth in one bite. 

By doing this, they gulp more air into their stomach and intestinal tract than they should. The air bubbles inside the tummy then turn into gas, causing the dogs to fart more regularly.

Further readings:


It might surprise some people that this breed tends to fart more genetically than many other dog breeds. 

Since pugs belong to Brachycephalic families, their heads are bigger than their bodies, and their noses have a unique shape that takes in more air when they gulp food into their mouths. 

Therefore, constant farting in pugs is fine if you don’t notice anything strange in their gas smell or frequency.

On the other hand, if you find your pups fart more than usual and the gas has an unpleasant smell, it likely indicates some underlying digestive problems. In addition, you could know how to get rid of the pug’s smell.

Health Issues

The last reason causing flatulence in pugs is the unnoticed health issues they suffer from. Some of the stomach, immune, and intestine problems that can lead to smelly farting in your pet include:

  • Gastrointestinal infections
  • Stomach inflammation
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Canine colitis 

It would be best to regularly contact your veterinarian for timely diagnosis and treatment of your beloved pets,  preventing the issues from getting severe.

Read more: 

Tips For Reducing Pugs Flatulence 

Planning A Proper Diet For 

As mentioned above, avoiding certain foods, such as fatty, high-protein, spiced, spoiled, and dairy food, might prevent your puppy from farting excessively. 

Slowing Down Their Gobbling Habits

If you notice your pug has the symptoms of a gobbler, giving it a slow-feed bowl might help with this problem.

Making Them Do Physical Tasks Regularly 

Daily exercise helps burn the extra calories they take in, resulting in better digestion and less stinky gas emission.

Giving Them Several Meals Per Day

Spacing their meals four to five times a day with a reduced portion will help them digest the food better and prevent bad gas buildup.

Getting Your Pets Digestive Supplements

Supplements like probiotics are the best cure for bacteria imbalance. They build a protective wall with good bacteria and help get rid of the harmful ones in the pug’s intestinal tract, preventing the sensitive tummy of pugs from getting upset. 

Having Regular Check-In With Your Veterinarian

A frequent veterinary examination might help to diagnose early signs of health issues contributing to your babies’ digestion and flatulence condition.

Also, you can determine what dog food your babies are allergic to or sensitive to, preventing unwanted sickness when feeding them in the future.

Bottom Line

So there is our answer to the question, do pugs fart a lot?. We hope our post has shed some light on the excessive farting issues of your little furry puppies. Remember to give them a balanced dog diet and regular exercise to enhance their health.

If you are curious about this dog breed, you can learn more about their traits with the article “Are pugs smart?”. All in all, take care, and we hope to see you in our next posts!

Related post: Best Toys For Pugs – Top Best Toys