Why Do Pugs Scream? What Should You Do To Stop Them?

Why do Pugs scream? Is that a sign of danger to their health? 

Many reasons make your Pugs scream:

  • They’re bored and need your attention
  • They’re sensitive to the sound of the tv
  • They’re overexcited about something
  • They’re scared of something
  • They had a horrible nightmare
  • They don’t like the beauty or caring treatment
  • They may be in pain

Learn more about these and find ways to stop them from screaming!

Why Do Pugs Scream? 

They’re Bored And Need Your Attention

Why Do Pugs Scream
Pugs usually need your attention.

Have you ever heard of separation anxiety? This is a typical situation for your dogs because they are closely attached to their owners.

If you adopt an adult pug, the screams may come from missing its previous owner. But they’re probably looking for your attention if you have a puppy.

Pugs always maintain everlasting connectivity with you. Therefore, one of the most common causes of this behavior is that they are bored and want your attention and interest.

They’re Sensitive To The Sound Of Television

If you are watching TV and suddenly your Pugs scream, the most likely cause is that they are screaming at the TV. This sounds strange as dogs can watch TV.

Pugs are the breed that is quite sensitive to the picture and audio on TV. And sometimes, the character’s movements or the effects will startle or even scare them. For this reason, their reaction is to bark or scream continuously when they’re afraid of TV.

They’re Overexcited About Something

Pugs can be excited because of different reasons.
Pugs can be excited because of different reasons.

In addition to fear and anxiety, a dog’s scream is also a sign of happiness and a way of communicating. It might be a bit complicated, but it’s the truth.

Do you know that your dog is excited and happy every time you come back after being away from home? They will jump, wag their tails and even scream to communicate with humans. It means they’re overexcited when they finally get to see you again; this is how they show their nostalgia. Or when they see their favorite food or toys, your pugs will also scream.

Further readings:

They’re Scared Of Something

Being scared can make them scream.
Being scared can make them scream.

As mentioned above, Pugs are quite sensitive to images and sound. They are easily scared by their surroundings, especially in public.

If you put them in the car or go to the vet clinic, they will probably scream out of fear due to the crowd or sound. Or even if you put them in a secluded but unfamiliar place that your dog has never seen before, they will be scared.

They Had A Horrible Nightmare

Pug's nightmares can make them scream.
Pug’s nightmares can make them scream.

Pugs have fairly long-term memory and will remember things that scare them, like taking a bath or cutting nails. This can affect their sleep and cause them to have nightmares.

As a consequence, they’re prone to be scared when waking up. Moreover, low light at night makes it hard for them to see things, so your Pugs will scream so loud and long.

They Don’t Like The Beauty Or Caring Treatment

Despite being a friendly dogs, your Pugs won’t enjoy going to the pet vet. There they will smell other dogs or smell dog medicine. The scream will express their discomfort and don’t want to stay there anymore.

The second case is when you bring them to the dog spas. There will be services such as hair trimming, nail clipping, etc. And not all dogs like to be cared for like this.

They May Be In Pain

Screaming can be a sign of suffering from pain.
Screaming can be a sign of suffering from pain.

This is probably the worst-case scenario since no one wants dogs to suffer pain or injury. You should pay more attention to their health if they have never screamed before, but suddenly this phenomenon appears, and the Pug’s scream sounds like they’re crying.

Some symptoms that help you identify they’re hurt or suffering from pains are:

  • Sudden loss of appetite
  • Change sleeping habits
  • No longer as active as before

Tips To Stop Them From Screaming 

Reduce Their Excitement

Hug them if the Pugs are excited to see you. If you stroke them, they will automatically stop crying or barking and be happier.

If their favorite food or eye-catching toy makes them scream, treat them with a bowl of a delicious meal or let them play with the toy to calm them down. Everything will be easily resolved.

Pay Attention To Them

Separation anxiety will be quite difficult to deal with because of psychological problems. You should bring them in for some training to get them used to being away from their owners. Are Pugs easy to train? You can search for many ways to do this task easily on a website for pets. 

In addition, give more of your attention and time to them. All dogs like cuddles and being loved, so why don’t you send more love to them?

Make They Feel Secured

Reassurance is the first thing you need to do to stop a screaming pug. Otherwise, the situation will only get worse.

For example, get them out of the area if your Pugs scream or cry due to noises or crowds, and move to the quiet ones. It would be best if you hug and stroke them, then slowly return. Or if they’re wakened during sleep, you can also whisper to them, and your sound will make Pugs feel more secure.

Deal With The Pain

The only thing you can do in this case is to take your dog to the vet. You can’t tell what’s happening, and prolonging the time can worsen it.

Pugs will probably scream again when they get to the vet, but the problem will be resolved. They will normally feel better after being treated and no longer scream.


Why do Pugs scream? We think you’ve got all the answers for yourself. And sometimes, you may need to try many methods simultaneously to stop them from screaming.

The above are the most common and frequent problems; sometimes, other reasons can arise. Paying attention and observing is crucial to help you identify the Pug screaming issue.

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